
Slump Trax Digital release on SuperPang
The Worm CD + digital on SuperPang
Speed Snake Cassette on Cejero
Eight-O-Eight Mix Mixtape for MBE Series
The Chord Catalogue for Eight-O-Eight 2 x CD set

Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and Stephen Sharp make mentasmic computer music and deformed techno objects.

Keywords: chronodyslexia, rave, synthesis, elasticity, time dilation, chronesthesia, goo, hoover-stretching, hyperobject, slime, psychedelia, fractal, upward spiral, downward spiral, warping, hooliganism, horns, horny, tetrafluoroethane, acid, freeze-frame, climax, recursive, poing, non-anthem, strobe, party boobytrap, fold-in, continuum, squashed, monolith, asymmetry, homeomorphic, recurrence, fluorescence, psy-donk, superflatness, superdeformation.

Bookings, contact, cookie recipes, etc. ☞ slimerave ((at)) gmail ((dot)) com


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